Tuesday, April 7

Super Heroes Come Visiting

This afternoon I have been graced with the presence of the local superheros of Cedar Park. Mason and Perry have magically disappeared only to be replaced with Iron Man & Power Girl. Power Girl wears a Crayola pack back that spits out fire while Iron Man dons a navy cape. Evidently, there was a small crocodile under our entertainment center, but Iron Man stealthily took care of the problem. Our purple coffee table serves as Power Girl's bed space; Iron Man sleeps behind my hope chest. They really are such lovely visitors.

I saw traces of my toddler children in them as they began discussing their nipples. Our heroes were in a quandary and asked for my advice.

"Mom is 'nipples' a bad word to say?"

I replied in the negative, it was just a word that describes a part of your body like your 'elbow'.

Power Girl then went to to say that 'boobies' WAS a bad word, but not 'nipples'.

I gave up. I obviously don't have super powers like they possess.

They went on their merry way, but the topic wasn't over. Iron Man stressed the fact that his nipples were much bigger than Power Girl's. He even went so far as to "nurse" their kitten-pet.

I LOVE to witness these crazy imaginations in motion. It's material that I could never generate on my own!!! Parenthood is fun.

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