Wednesday, April 29


My latest chocolate habit. This is a great product for me for a couple of reasons. First, all 4 kids hate the flavor. It is very bitter and not very sweet so it is all mine baby! Second, it breaks into large squares so I can "monitor" how much I eat. I'm only supposed to eat one square a day, but sometimes you just gotta eat more right? Third, you know dark chocolate is suppose to be healthy for us. I often grab a square of this with a handful of Brazil nuts (my favorite). If anyone wants to buy me a case of these chocolate bars I will not be offended. I think I'll try the 90% next just to see the difference in flavor. I really enjoy the bitter tartness of this chocolate. It has many more flavors than milk chocolate.

1 comment:

Kristina said...

I say the more bittersweet, more cocoa, the better! I've never tried Lindt dark before I have to go get some!