Friday, January 13

making the cut

we had a good friend (robb) take some family pictures. he is the real deal. it was a full-on photo shoot in our living room. we snapped a few for our christmas card which was so fun to pull together. here are some that didn't make the cut, but which i enjoy immensely!

thanksgiving 2011

just had to post this beautiful little face. i love her gorgeous brown skin. i spent lunch with perry at school for the thanksgiving feast (in november of course). she was so happy to have me there with her. she gave me ALL the details of kindergarten life.


this one was funny after i heard myself say the words.

cristian has a wart on his left elbow. he's become really aware of it and is often times fiddling around with it. he's learned it grosses us out.

one of his current past times these days is annoying, teasing, or grossing people out. enter.pre-pubesent.boy. (sigh)

he was asking me for something and i shot him down, dashing his future of happiness for ever. he takes his warty elbow and starts rubbing it (the wart) up and down my forearm.

i angrily tell him, "stop rubbing your wart on me!"

there ya go. who'd ever thought i'd need to say such a thing!
