Saturday, March 28

Teaching Moment

Cristian ran into our bedroom this morning saying he had just had a 'special experience'. So Jen and I asked what the 'special experience' had been. This is the experience Cristian recounted:

"I was looking for Mason's batman helicopter bullet and I couldn't find it. So, I said a prayer and when I was done I walked over to the toy box and I had a feeling that it was at the bottom of the toy box. I looked at the bottom of the toy box and I found the bullet!"

Needless to say that this was a great teaching moment for Cristian and us. Children have such simple faith. If only we could have faith as a child.

Guess what topic we'll be covering in FHE this Monday.


Noel said...

I'm telling you...this kid of yours is going to be the next prophet no doubt. Love you guys..miss you!

shalynn said...

tear. drop.