Saturday, November 29

Our Gratitude

We had the kids articulate what they were thankful for - our annual turkey tradition. I was surprised by their depth. I think I'll pull up this entry Christmas Day at about 2 pm when the buzz of their gifts has worn off!

Crisitian: Mom and Dad, the family, the Book of Mormon, our house, Heavenly Father, and our world.

Cora: My home, my family, our world, our food, all the clothes we have, my room, my brothers and sister, my toys, movies that we get to watch. That's it.

Perry: Daddy and Mama, Cristian, Cora, and Daddy. My house and my Cora and Mason. My computer and my eyes.

Mason: I am thankful for you mom. My scriptures, my coach (who was dad), cars, and my toys. And that's it.

1 comment:

shalynn said...

i have a tear. i miss those kids more than anything!