Thursday, November 13

Indian Girl

Okay, so we must all agree that these flower clips are about the cutest things ever. A cross between flower love child meets Pooahantus. Perry reminds me of a little Guatamalan Indian quite often. And where, do you ask, do I find such adorable creations. Shalynn of course. She whose creative energies always flow just like my chocolate cravings. She is always coming up with some new crafty idea. It would be nice if she was an awful cook or crappy designer but she excels at these as well. She hasn't completed a marathon yet so she maybe is a total loser after all. For the marathon you look to my other sister Noel. Yes, I am content in my life of mediocrity. When I say that I am a mom, I mean it. I do mommyhood and that's it. Not very multi-dimensional am I? So the pressure is on for me to put out a future Nasa engineer or the next Dr. Laura or worse....Martha Stewart. I only hope that my 4 amazing kiddies continue throughout their lives amazingly. See what just a little hair deco will do to me?! How I digress!


Kelly said...


Anne said...

um...hello. it would have been nice if anyone had let me know you started a blog. let the stalking begin! love it.