Saturday, January 10

Picture Review of 2008

We didn't send out a greeting card for Christmas so this my way of updating all about the happenings of our family (and to show off my great family).

They're back!!! It's a good thing...a very good thing.
Mason and Perry had been returned to their natural mother
for about a month, but were returned to our home in the 
beginning of May.  Miracles DO happen.

Spring Recital
The three cousins participated in dance lessons for
several months.  Their perfomance was in April and,
of course, they all did great!

Summer Vacation in California
I have to say, this is probably my favorite picture
of our family.

Traveling to California

Cruz Family at Chuy's Wedding

Fourth of July in Missouri
We had a great time with the Carters/Stewarts for
the Fourth of July.  A lot of time in the water doing
some fishing, swimming, and little water skiing.

Long Weekend in Galveston
We visited Noel at her place (when she had a place)
in Galveston.  We spent a day at Moody Gardens and
some time at the beach.  We even got to visit a turtle
sanctuary on the island.

Mason's Birthday Party
We had the fire department come by for Mason's birthday
and the kids loved it.  They got to crawl all over the fire
truck and play with all the knobs and gadgets. My favorite
part was when they watered my of charge.

First Day of School!
Kids grow up way too fast? Cristian going to 2nd grade,
Cora to kinder and Mason to pre-K.

Cristian's Baptism
Cristian's baptism was a memorable experience for
our whole family.

First time victims of Toilet Papering.
Jen had recently been called to a youth calling at church,
so I guess this was our welcome.

Trick or Treating with the Vances.

Adoption Day!
We had a lot of great family events this year, but this
was the best.  Mason and Perry were officially made
Cruzes on that day.

Day at the Zoo


Kelly said...

What a nice update. You all sure have had an eventful year... I am so happy for you!

Miss you all!

Molly Bea said...

Seriously, this is one of those years you guys will never forget! (so how did you get the fire dept to come without using the traditional 911 call? Jayden would LOVE that!)

Anne said...

looks like you guys managed to have a great year---without me. tear. your kids are so stinking cute. they are lucky to have you.