Tuesday, January 20

Enamel & Fairies

Well, my dear little Cora you are gone to school today and you have been on my mind. I wonder how happy and proud you are showing off your empty gap in your lower row of teeth. Are you thrilled about being in the coveted "Toothless Club" at school? This is important stuff in kindergarten. You worked so hard pulling that little calcium deposit out. I told you it was like having a baby because you and I appreciate dramatic flair. And since you worked so hard for that tooth I thought I would tell you the story behind Tooth Fairies.

You and Cristian already know that fairies can be male or female. And you know that they have some magical properties because of all the sparkle they leave behind after whisking away your teeth. But why do the fairies even want our old teeth? It seems so odd doesn't it?

Well, fairies are very delicate, fragile even. Not just because they are small and can be smashed to bits easily, but they are fragile in their hearts and in their feelings. Fairies are actually quite bothersome. They are always whining and complaining when they are away from Tooth-topia. They are no fun to be around in the least. Fairies are known to complain, weep, whine, nag. They never are pleasant or happy. But it isn't their fault - they are made that way. Well, they were such a miserable lot that eventually all the woodland creatures banished them to only live together far from where any could hear their negativity.

And so it went on this way for hundreds of years. Until, quite by accident, it was discovered that when a fairy held a human tooth their personality changed. They became pleasant, selfless, kind, courageous, happy. This discovery stirred the fairies into action. They organized themselves into teams, each responsible for different areas of the world. And each evening as sleep envelopes the land they set out to work. They ever so quietly sneak into bedrooms across the globe exchanging money for precious teeth.

Now teeth are made from a strong substance called enamel. Enamel is even stronger than your bones Cora. This rare material is what changes the fairies personalities. Enamel give them joy, courage, hope, kindness. It doesn't do this for humans. But the fairies cleverly found out that this enamel is magic to them. They collect all the children's teeth and fly home to Tooth-topia. In this dazzling white city, there are castles, buildings, stores, and homes ALL made from one thing - TEETH! The fairies have figured out that when they are surrounded by children's teeth they are much happier. Some fairies choose not to be tooth fairies. They are not allowed to live in Tooth-topia if they are unwilling to work as all the others do. They are required to live elsewhere. They never become happy, helpful fairies. I fact, in time they become only selfish, greedy, and bothersome until they loose their fairy status and turn into wasps or mosquitoes.

My little Cora, your first tooth has been a great contribution to Tooth-topia. I am confidant that all the good fairies marvel at how beautiful your first tooth is, how strong the enamel is that keeps them happy and carefree. Fairies will build your tooth into a special tooth monument where it will be gazed upon and marveled at for all to see.

1 comment:

shalynn said...

That's a great way to tell the story. My kids might have to hear it that way. Wish I was there to see her!