Tuesday, December 9


Perry gave us a good little laugh last night at bedtime prayers. Several people are sick with the December crud that hovers every year. We reminded her to bless each person and their ailment. Cora's jaw hurts (whatever!), Perry has a yeast infection AND bacterial infection in her girlie parts, and Cristian has a hacking cough. Mason is currently unscathed.

So during the prayer she blesses each child. I figure she thought Mason felt left out. She sweetly, seriously says, "Bless Mason keep his fingers out of his buttcrackers. Amen."

Paco and I were grossly amused.


Anne said...

i am dying laughing right now.

Cathy said...

Oh, could you have her pray for Cole next time? He has the same condition ;)

Jen said...

yeah, boys are disgusting. although i can't leave out cora who went thru the boogers on my walls phase. gag.

Cathy said...

Note to self, pasting my boogers on the wall is gross.