In the face of fairness I can't portray our family as all rainbows and sunshine. I must therefore confess a few of our inner demons that Carlos and I are currently struggling with. How, you ask, is a benign container of Kirkland Chocolate Covered Raisins a threat? Well, this is mommies current monster in the pantry. These babies are no ordinary shriveled grape. No sir, these are GOURMET raisins which sounds silly but they are the size of Milk Duds. And then lovingly drenched in layer after layer of fabulous chocolate. To make matters worse, I rationalize that I am actually eating a fruit - so it's part of my 5-a-day shinanagin. Aren't raisins high in iron and good for constipation? All I know is that I CAN'T stop eating them. This week I am working out soley to prevent chocolate covered raisin weight. D**n you CostCo.
This posting was started on Nov. 22; the chocolate covered raisins are needless to say...history. 5-a-day went out the window.
ha ha---i love this post. did you buy more yet??
i hear you sister! i have to resist buying them because i had the same problem...convincing myself they were "healthy" and eating the entire carton by myself. oh wait...i think you helped me.
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