Thursday, December 11

Captain Bug Eyes

Oh, goodness, I wish you all could know how fabulous I think this kid is! Having another boy is wonderful. I told Carlos that if I could have 100 kids, I would want 90 of them to be boys. Mason is the polar opposite of Cristian in every way, but still a Mama's Boy. And aren't' those the best ladies? Mason is sassy, spicy, dramatic, enthusiastic, clownish. He loves to suck the marrow out of life. He is always full of one-liners and quotes movie lines at just the right spot in conversation. I picked him up from school the other day and asked Mrs. Wise how his day was. She said, "He was hilarious as usual!" I adore this little creature. Latest fetish? Cowboy boots and cape.

1 comment:

Anne said...

sounds like sy and mason would be twinners and get along swimmingly.