Saturday, July 17

Soap Box

Okay, look you stupid Mormon moms, I have a serious bone to pick with you. Why are you putting your daughters, regardless of how young they are, in two-piece swim suits? Have we not all been told about modesty especially bikinis since the beginning of time? What is your deal?

Let me guess...

She is just so cute in it. You can't resist!
She isn't being immodest, she is just a little girl.
You'll stop the behavior when she gets older & when it really matters.
There's no harm in it.
You're pleased she can wear one because your glory days are over
You think sexualizing your daughter is awesome.

Um, for starters she'll have photographic evidence of how you dressed her. My huge thing with parenting and how I parent my kids is don't give in to something that I'm not willing to always give in too. I can't pick and choose with my kids when I want to follow a rule or a commandment. It makes for very confused and manipulative kids and piece of crap parenting. I either completely disregard a principle or never bend on it.

Women, grow a backbone. Are you in or out of this religion? Why would you dress up your daughter(s) in provocative, sexualized clothing especially when you have a living prophet telling you the polar opposite? I don't get it.

On awful thought that keeps me especially motivated on this topic is something I have zero control over. The thoughts of other people in public. It disgusts me to think of sick men or boys starring at my daughters because their attire solicit the look. You don't know what kind of people are in public and what they are thinking as they watch your child. I wouldn't put my 5 year old daughter in a triangle bikini top to help stimulate his imagination.

Follow the prophet and cover your girls up. Please.


deeder6 said...

See Jen that's just another reason why I love you!!! I completely agree!!

Jen said...

thanks baby, have you blogged yet? i am dying for some carpenter info!

shalynn said...

you crack me up. a-greed.

Linds said...

Amen, sister.

Kristina said...

amen. amen. amen.

Molly Bea said...

You go girl! As a beach mom with two boys I can't tell you how much I second this!!!!

Wendy Jean said...

I completely agree! I'm with Molly - I don't want my boys playing side by side with bikini clad girls at the pool!

Holly said...

I agree! My sister showed me your blog (Wendy) and I have thought the same thing when I saw little girls at church in immodest dresses. Some people just don't seem to think about it since their little girls are not "women" yet. But what kind of example are they setting? Thanks for the great post!

Anonymous said...

I have never considered a little girl in a bikini as anything but cute. It isn't provocative or sexy to me. In fact, when I was a kid, I used to think it was silly for a little girl to wear the top because there was nothing there to see. I figured it was a girl thing. However, I agree little girls should be taught from the beginning to dress appropriately. Build your foundation at the bottom, not when you are three floors up.

What I have never been able to comprehend is how parents will dress their girls in swim suits or gymnastics suits with nearly see-through crotches. The one-piece swim suits are the worst because they are often under tension and pull up at the crotch so there's nothing left to the imagination. Our daughters always wore a pair of shorts over their swim suits.

Boy's have liners in their pants. Why not girls?