Thursday, July 22


CPS informed us today that our little sweet Hayden is being taken from us tomorrow. He is being placed in another foster home in Houston so he can be near his biological mother. People always ask me how we can do foster care. This moment in time is the reason why so many people veer away from it.
I'm not going to lying to you. This always hurts. You feel torn, hurt, rejected, dejected, angry, sad, hopeful, grief - you feel it all. Hayden has been extra special to our whole family. I don't know the reason why he has except that he is just an amazingly special child.
But what endears me to the human spirit is our ability to regenerate ourselves. A piece of my heart is being ripped out. I'll miss and worry over Hayden for a good while. A then another sweet little spirit will be dropped off on our doorstep. And we will pour all our love and efforts into that child. Because I have learned something these past few years fostering...
It's not about me.
Yes, I hurt and ache. I want Hayden to stay here. We all want him officially adopted into our family. But there are many things we have no control over. And while Hayden, or Jose, or Miguel, or Naila, or Sara, or Christavia, or Evie, or Lily, or Gary, or Natalie, or Terence, or Perry, or Mace are with us they are loved. It's not about me. It's all about them.
We love you Hayden. You'll always be our pickle.


Annette said...

You are AMAZING...that post put the sting in my nose and tears in my eyes. It's not about me...more of us should take a breath and repeat that sentiment a few more times during our day.

I am so proud of you Jennifer, of you and your entire family. I brag about you to anyone that will listen. Hayden has a heart forever stamped with your love and compassion - I look forward to reading about your next little, famously lucky, special one that enters your threshold.

Love you all!!

deeder6 said...

My heart is with you my friend and I am praying for you.

Anne said...

i am so sad for you guys...cps can suck it.

Christina said...

I am so sorry Jen. I know you really love him. I pray they are doing what is best for him.