Monday, July 5

Cute Kid x 5000

So here is our little family obsession. Hayden is by far the ruler of this home. He is doted on by every person all day long. Even the boys/men spend their days speaking in "motherese".
But can you blame us? The child IS always this smiley. He is such a lover - so sweet and happy. It is unbelievable what he has been through in his first 7 months of life. I see no signs of his past life. He is sweet, happy, affectionate, and (for now) ours!

Stewart's you have to give us your take, but Cora, Paco, and I see glimpses of Reade in him now and again. I thought it to myself but Cora was the first to point it out!

Love that orange vegetable nose! It's amazing what magic one little life can bring to our whole family. We are all totally smitten.

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