Sunday, July 11

Best Thing/Worst Thing

So a friend of mine has this tradition in her home. I've known about it for a couple of years now and liked it so I don't know why we didn't steal it until a few weeks ago.

It's called "best thing/worst thing" in which you go around the dinner table and each share these two elements of your day. The kids love it & I can usually guess their answers before they speak, but I think it'll be invaluable when they are pre-teens and teens and hate my guts and won't communicate at all. At least we'll have some idea as to what is going on in their daily lives.

This is how it goes thus far: Carlos is always thankful for some aspect of his family or the food we are eating, Cristian usually can't think of a "worst" thing (optimist), Mason rarely can think of a "best" thing (pessimist), Cora's list is usually long and very detailed, it hits a variety of personal injustices, Perry can't narrow it down to 2 of anything and keeps jabbering until we cut it off, & my worst thing usually involves child behavior so I make up something else.

Thanks Robyn - we are enjoying this tradition!!


Christina said...

We do the same thing and love it! Corrinna and Keely both usually ask if they can have 2 Best things :) I need to start logging the things they say to look back on! So fun!

Anne said...

we do this, too. i have to try very hard to not have the worst part of everyday be something the boys did...i am afraid of giving them a complex.

Linds said...

I used that method at work in group therapy! We called it "Pows and Wows." Pow being the negative...Wow the positive. It's so great your kids are enjoying it!