Saturday, July 17

okay shay

here's a little number we bought off of craig's list ($100 i think). it was in great shape, except i wasn't fond of the color and HATED the wood diamonds on the front. those were taken off and smoothed down.
we obviously painted her over and put on new hardware. thank you hobby lobby. she feels very beachish to me and i love the pop of color she adds to my very brown house.

i stained the edges with a walnut-colored stain, but then lost interest in it all. so the bottom half of the unit isn't even done. how ghetto is that? if you wait and live with it long enough you simply forget about it. you should try it.


shalynn said...

thank you, thank you, thank you! i don't know why you kept avoiding posting's freakin gorgeous! i love it, except for the games at the top.

Anne said...

it is even more amazing in person...totally coveting.