Thursday, October 29

Like mommie, like daughter

My friend Robyn pointed out the other day how much Perry's personality is like mine. I do see lots of my facial gestures in her and she loves to mimic my tone and verbal (shall we call it?) flare.

I guess I always see just how different she is from me. Mason and Cora are more like me - dramatic, moody, sarcastic, vivacious. Perry is vivacious. But she is also always happy, never without a smile, detail-oriented, cuddly. She's a great kid.

She and I were out the other day having lunch. Little Miss is a chronic talker, I mean its like a disease or something. If she isn't talking she is humming or singing. Ya know, like a Disney Princess.

So we are eating lunch and I am watching her while she was unaware. And what is she doing? The whole meal there was almost zero talking because she was watching everyone in the restaurant. There wasn't a detail that she missed - people entering/exiting, food that was ordered, accessories carried by people, etc. It was beautiful to watch. She watched and assimilated the whole room.

Just like I do.


Annette said...

I so love our happy, happy Perry!!

Noel said...

Pear pears was just like that on our date to Carl's Jr. I couldn't even get her to say one word, because she was observing so much. Miss her!