Saturday, June 13

Eager Mistress

My sisters and brother have been visiting our family this weekend. That means bed juggling. And THAT means we have one of our critters in our bed. This time it was Cora. She has become increasingly fascinating to chat with these days. She talks and thinks like a 13 year old girl. It makes me wonder when she is 13 does that mean she'll talk like a 25 year old woman? Probably.

So we covered the girl spectrum of topics and questions. She has encountered her first betrayal of girlfriends with a secret of hers. It really has wounded her. She brings it up and talks about losing her trust in them. Wasn't my 6 year old life so much simpler that this?

She asked when was the very soonest she could have make-up. I informed her that she already has make-up. This was met with first, confusion and second, denial. Yep, she has fingernail polish and clear lip gloss. This was met with first, acceptance and second, injustice.

On to fashion...the question was, "Mom, when I am a grown up can I have nothing but beautiful dresses and high heels in my closet?" I told her of course she could and that she can buy all those things herself. She was thrilled.

Boys, of course. She asked when was the VERY EARLIEST age that I would let her get married. I love the naivete. If only she'd seek my approval in 20 years when she does marry. But I played along because I totally believe in brainwashing my kids with all my theories on life. I told her the VERY SOONEST would be age 24. She also thinks that'll be her first time kissing.

Oh, so bittersweet her little dreams as reality comes smashing them all to bits.


Anne said...

i can just see little cora asking you these questions---so sweet.

Molly Bea said...

Oh I love it! Do girls really care about all that so young? Oh dear...maybe it IS a good thing I have boys!