Getting back to my triathlon training.... I had been very discouraged because I have seen no results from all my working out. Don't get me wrong, I am firmer and have nasty quad muscles now, but haven't lost one stink'n pound!
I also have been unusually irritable since training, like chronic PMS. Not fun for anyone affected. So I decided to go have my blood checked. Surely my cholesterol has been affected by 1 and 2-hour workouts 5x a week right?
I talk to my nurse practitioner who happens to be participating in Noel and Shay's same triathlon. She too is perplexed by my fatness. She mildly insinuates that I may not be working out as much as I confess to be. At which point I mentally slap her strongly across her size 2 face. Boy, I hope she doesn't read my blog cuz my co-pays will increase fo' sure.
So we take some blood work. She says my testosterone levels may have increased with all my imaginary working-out. GREAT! Wrestlers quads and a full beard, oh and I'm still fat. Are we getting the visual here?
I got my lab results back and....GUESS WHAT?! My cholesterol has dropped 30 whoop'n points!! My LDL has dropped 30 points while HDL has gone up 2 points (that's good news). So basically my emaciated doctor has to now believe that I am working out. I am so proud of my body. And let me tell you, I needed some validation of what I am doing. I told Noel, "If there isn't a significant drop in my cholesterol I'm going to sit on the couch and eat lard for the rest of my life!"
Whew, crisis averted!
I also have been unusually irritable since training, like chronic PMS. Not fun for anyone affected. So I decided to go have my blood checked. Surely my cholesterol has been affected by 1 and 2-hour workouts 5x a week right?
I talk to my nurse practitioner who happens to be participating in Noel and Shay's same triathlon. She too is perplexed by my fatness. She mildly insinuates that I may not be working out as much as I confess to be. At which point I mentally slap her strongly across her size 2 face. Boy, I hope she doesn't read my blog cuz my co-pays will increase fo' sure.
So we take some blood work. She says my testosterone levels may have increased with all my imaginary working-out. GREAT! Wrestlers quads and a full beard, oh and I'm still fat. Are we getting the visual here?
I got my lab results back and....GUESS WHAT?! My cholesterol has dropped 30 whoop'n points!! My LDL has dropped 30 points while HDL has gone up 2 points (that's good news). So basically my emaciated doctor has to now believe that I am working out. I am so proud of my body. And let me tell you, I needed some validation of what I am doing. I told Noel, "If there isn't a significant drop in my cholesterol I'm going to sit on the couch and eat lard for the rest of my life!"
Whew, crisis averted!
UGH! That has to be THE WORST thing ever. You totally want to see RESULTS! At least the blood numbers changed. Grr...it's so stinkin' frustrating. Mentally there is nothing worse that for me than seeing no change at all (espcially when Mr. Rick will work out one day, stop drinking sodas and lose 5lbs...) Surely the pounds will drop at some point, right??? :-) Well, I'm proud of you either way!!!! I'm gonna have to see them quad mus-K-les.
sorry for all the frustration. i am proud of you for working so hard though.
bye bye cholesterol!!! I'm telling you..the pounds will leave soon too! I'm so proud of you!
Congratulations girl! Keep on truckin!!
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