Sunday, June 21

A Lovely Man

It is FATHER'S DAY, the day to celebrate the wonderfulness of CARLOS. Our family has hit the jackpot with you as our daddy and husband. It is more apparent to me as time drifts by and the role of men in our society becomes less sacred and vital to the family. I love it that you model for our boys how to be man and not a male. You teach them work, honesty, integrity, and honor. You make the girls feel beautiful and special and treat them like little queens in training. I love that not only our family benefits from you. You are a mentor and father to Noel and Shay. You genuinely love and care for each member of my family and would do anything good for them.

You are always gentle, forgiving, and patient - especially with me. You accept my grouchy ways and praise my noteworthy ones. You have always worked hard to provide for our little family. You are always willing to jump right in with the kids when you walk through the door and never deny me a midnight Sonic run.

You are just a lovely man.


shalynn said...

tears. mom and me, right now.
happy fathers day carlos!

Annette said...

We all absolutely LoVe you Carlos, super DAD, super HUSBAND, and super, super PERSON!