Monday, February 23


I just returned home from dinner out with the kiddos. At dinner, I asked Cristian about having his teacher back from maternity leave. "Did Ms. Land say anything about you reading over 4,000 minutes?" I queried. "No," Bug replied.

And because I am me, I pushed further. "So who has read the most minutes in your class," I asked, knowing full-well the answer. "Me," he said while stuffing refried beans in his mouth. He appetite is another blog entry.

"Wow, Bug that is so cool right?"

And this is where the parental pay-off comes focus here....

"Yeah, I am really proud of myself for reading those minutes," he smoothly states.

"Yeah, you should be proud of yourself. You worked really hard. I am glad that you are proud of your efforts. That's great to realize good things you do."

I totally have this mom-thang down...

"Yeah, I am always proud of myself when I do something good. Like making a good choice or doing good things. I'm proud of myself when I read and earn new DS games. I am proud of my mom and dad. And, I appreciate mom and dad."

Holy Helen-a, who is this kid?! For real, he is just a miniature Carlos. Trust me, I get it that he isn't a normal kid.

Fear not, we got those lying around here too.


shalynn said...

melts my heart, that cristian luke. always has

Anne said...

what a sweetie. sy has moments like that. my favorite is when he thanks me for making dinner and tells me it is delicious.