Friday, February 20

Current Favorite Reads

"Madame Bovary" - I picked this book up from my dad's library during my last visit. He let's us pick out a book to add to our library whenever we visit. I positively hate Emma, the main character. She is an evil, selfish, kniving wife. I skipped to the end and found out that she dies. I hope she dies a slow, long painful death from an STD.

"Drummer Hoff " - This book is set in a battlefield with lots of rhyming and crazy colors and pictures. "..but Drummer Hoff fired it off!" That's Mason's line.

"The Daring Book for Girls" - Cora loves to flip through the pages and gawk at the pictures over and over. It's like a Nancy Drew manual. She keeps it on her nightstand and refers to it often, kind of like a Bible. Personally, I think she likes the book because of the glittery cover.

"When the Rooster Crowed" - Perry's favorite things are babies, kitties, doggies and singing. I think she likes this books because of the many farm animals.

"20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" - We think this is the first 'chapter' book Cristian all the way through. I'm a bit surprised that he picked this as his favorite, but maybe not so much. After all, there is a giant squid in the book. This, along with several others Cristian has read made it's way through the family turnstyle: Cristian, then mom, and then dad.

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