Sunday, February 8

4,000 Minutes!

This is where I get to brag about one my kids.

Cristian entered the 2nd grade in the fall and is beginning to read like crazy. I will admit, however, a HUGE motivator has been an idea that Jen had to get him a Nintendo DS if he read 4,000 minutes. She made this deal Cristian several months ago and Cristian has been reading like a maniac ever since. Once we realized that he was going to stick to his goal, Jen bought the DS for him during the 'after Thanksgiving sales' and it has been waiting for him ever since. Cristian knew we bought it and never asked once if he could get it early.

He would read at least 30 minutes most nights until about 2 or 3 weeks ago when I told him that he would get to his goal twice as fast if he read 60 minutes a night. Starting that night, he read 60 minutes a night until last night we tallied up his minutes and realized that he had just 73 minutes left to reach his goal of 4,000! Guess how many minutes he read last night...of course, the requisite 73 minutes. He was so excited when he finished. I was downstairs in the kitchen and once I heard the footsteps start I knew it was him. He turned the corner to the kitchen and let out a big, "I'm done! Can I get my DS?" It was 10:30 at night, but I couldn't say no. He had waited so long and read so many minutes that I couldn't resist. He stayed up for another hour and I couldn't be prouder.

Way to go Cristian!


shalynn said...

i'm so proud of him too! you're a great dad carlos!

Anne said...

way to go christian!

Noel said...

I'm so proud of "bug"! I love that he read 73 minutes that night. What a great kid!