Thursday, June 3


bella has several best friends and i imagine she always will.

i took hayden, mace, and bella out on a walk this evening and i suggested we stop by and pick up madison.

maddy has been in her class this year at school. i think i like her very much. she is a sweet, smiley girl. fair haired, fair skinned with a large circular face. she has been good to cora and that goes a long way with me.

so we pick her up and proceed on our twenty minute jaunt. i'm yaking with mace and pushing the stroller. the girls are pleasantly talking with one another. i look back and see them arm in arm walking.

it was so jane austen to me. they needed parasols and stuffy, feminine dresses to make it complete. every time they'd separate for one reason or another, they'd re lock their arms and continue walking. shouldn't we all have such lovely friendships?

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