Friday, May 28


Just keeping you all in the loop. Carlos and I birthed another child. We birthed a 7 month-old. And he finally looks a lot like his mama.

Brilliant blue eyeballs and a bald head of blond fuzz. His name is Hayden & word on the street is that we'll have him for about 18 months. We aren't looking to adopt again, but we've all fallen hook, line, and sinker for him if the opportunity rises.

Yeah, we know. We're crazy. But saintly crazy right? Adoption has done something addictive to us & like a drug we just can't say 'no'.

I'd love to post a snapshot of the little fellow. But no one has come forward with our piece of crap missing camera. (I'm turning into Shay - no camera!) He has a great smile - totally different than Perry's great smile, but contagious like hers.

We'll keep you posted...


Amy said...

I can not wait to meet him!!

Kristina said...

Yea!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait for pics!