Saturday, May 29


So I have this amazingly brilliant friend. The great Catherine Brown. Um, I adore her because of her brain, her rationale, and her sense of humor. There are lots of perks to having a brilliant friend. Especially if that brilliant friend has a lazy friend such as moi.

Catherine loves medicine but is annoyed with doctors. So she researches and studies and puts things together. Which means that I can go to her with all my medical anomalies and she tells me what to do about them. I love it.

This symbiotic relationship - although I'm not sure what I bring to the friendship in return - means that Catherine has found me my "crazy witch doctor" as Carlos has lovingly dubbed her. Catherine and I are both current patients of the good doctor. She is a gynecologist who has branched out into bio identical hormone therapies.

Long story short, she has analyzed just about every fluid that my body produces and came back with this verdict: you are a mess! Validation on paper does make me feel good. So now I am on 27 pills per day. Cora was appalled at my pill popping practices. I have to take pills throughout the whole day: 7 am, 8 am, 11 am, noon, 4 pm, 5 pm, 8 pm, 10 pm. Um, its very time-consuming and I feel like generalized crap the whole day. I'm on mainstream things like thyroid, vit. D, and cortisone, but the rest are supplements that are insanely expensive.

I really hope this works...


shalynn said...

i love catherine too, but you are both crazy! 27 pills, really?

Amy said...

27 pills??? That is insane! I'm only suppose to take 2 pills a day which means I'm lucky if I get 1 down!! How long are you on all those...forever??

Kristina said...

I love me some Catherine Brown!!!!!!!!

ew, pills. Crossing my fingers it works for you though. Wouldn't that just be a HUGE relief!!