Monday, May 24

How Could You Do That!?

Here's a new little segment inspired by my darling husband.

One of his best husbandly attributes is that he likes whatever I make for dinner. This goes a l-o-n-g way in my book because I don't need one more person in this house talking to me like I'm their personal waitress.

However...the past couple of years Paco has been harnessing his inner Latino. This is all well and good until it's Italian night at our house. He has been caught red-handed (or brown-handed) several times throwing salsa or Tapatio on my prepared meal. That makes me go a little berserk.

If I made a basic, bland casserole I say go for it. Throw all of Mexico on top if it's what you need to choke it down. But there is no salsa on my lasagna. Not allowed.

So the other night I made a yummy Asian stir fry. It was an actual recipe and so delish! There goes my man, slicing up an avocado and stirring it into his bowl. What!? It's like you are pooping on my creation. Fortunately for me, Noel (who is always on Carlos' side and a perpetual voice of reason) even said no to that one. Not allowed.

I'm sure there will be many entries into this segment. Cristian is a salsa duplicate of his father and Mace just does gross food combos as is.

See you soon...

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