Friday, November 6


I came across a piece of paper when I was a mommie of only two little ones. Dated October 11, 2002. Brought back so many fun memories of when the kids were so little.

Cristian - 3 years old. LOVES animals right now especially bugs. He is enjoying Texas with all the rollie pollies and crickets. Has a bearded-dragon (lizard) named Fred. Beginning to sing "songs" of nonsense. Does his "gymnastics" of hopping, twisting, jumping, etc. Beginning to make believe, invent, and fib! Current favorite color is blue, it use to be pink. His best friend is Cora.

Cora - 11 months old. She started walking at 8.5 months. She now runs, dances, and can reverse. She adores Cristian, loves to tackle him. She is right-handed. Loves almost any food -except cottage cheese. She's a total ham - does shakes, claps, folds arms, says "amen" and "bye-bye". Very feisty, strong-willed, independent. Loves to wag her finger, especially at mom, and tell her "no-no mama". She becomes downright adamant at times! Bizarre quirk - she enjoys sucking her shoes. Loves her "cozy" and stuffed animals.

1 comment:

Noel said...

How fun to stumble upon that stuff. Time sure does fly by. I miss them when they were sooo little!