Thursday, September 17

The face of our family

Cristian was on the DS (big surprise), Cora was finishing her snack, Mace was coloring his homework, & Perry was thrilled to just be in the mix. What was I doing you ask? Why something glamorous and exotic - the dishes. So they are are yacking to each other when Perry announces that she is going to have LOTS of babies when she gets married. (I really am excited about her being the main grand baby supplier.)

Cora asks her how many babies she is going to have.

Perry holds up both hands and spreads her chubby fingers out as wide as she can. She looks at them, in awe of herself, thrilled with the prospect of all those babies. "I want ten babies in my tummy. I love babies!"

Cora's practical side steps in. "Well, you don't have to have all those yourself. You can adopt some if you want too. That's what I'm going to do. I am going to have two babies in my stomach and then adopt a third baby."

Perry's not sold. Cora finds another victim to push her ideals on. (I wonder where she gets that personality trait.)

I quickly piped in. Cristian had told me that he wants three children, so I point that out.

Cora asks him if he is planning on making all his kids because he could adopt them instead. Cristian doesn't even flinch from his game as he lays out his reproductive plans, "I am going to make 2 and then adopt 1." And...back to his game.

I ask Mason how many kids he wants to have. "Um, four." Yeah, 4 is a pretty good number, but then I suppose I am biased. Cora wants to know their method of entry into his family. Rooting for the adoption route, she prods. He really wasn't too interested in the conversation as is so he said he'd like to adopt some of his kids and refocused his coloring.

Point is, I loved this dialogue. There are so many rotten things I pass on to my kids. Like saying "crap" all the time so that they use it in school and church. Or when I'm at the end of my rope, sick of the fighting and teasing and tell them just to "pop each other and make it a good one".

But... THIS I will happily take credit for.


Annette said...

And so you should, you bionic momma you! I have such incredible respect for you and Carlos...super duper parents and people aside - You welcomed such precious babes into your home, your hearts and most importantly into our family forever (and all eternity...are you impressed by my non member self)! Lucky Perry and Mason and Lucky us!! What a lesson to behold!

Noel said...

What sweet dialogue between all your children. What an effect parents have on their children...and here you can see it first hand. I miss you all. Hey..maybe I'll adopt 2 and have 2 in my stomach!