Tuesday, December 14

Fire Days

look at this darling mug! perry had a field trip at school. amusing because the fire station is like an 1/8 of a mile from her school but they still had to charter a school bus to take them there. perry was in her element.
the firemen gave the kids the grand tour. they climbed all over their truck and got to handle some tools or weapons as perry referred to them. i have not so secret crushes on all firemen. it's pretty ridiculous and intense. carlos wanted to be a firemen when he was younger. um, he would be SO HOT in firemen gear.
the class got to destroy the fire stations work out room.
the men put on their breathing gear and let the kids try them out. the mask creates a powerful suction to the face obviously. the breathing is quite loud and a little freaky to hear.
perry was braver than brave of course. some of my kids are just fearless. is it fearless or just uninhibited? not sure really.
class shot. dear firemen, i really do love you. don't tell my hubs.

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