Thursday, July 9

wiped out

fried, spent, exhausted, wasted, tuckered out, toasted, blitzed, worn out, tired, pooped

that would be summer 2009

i am enjoying being home with the kids, but my mental picture of this summer was a lot slower-paced. it makes me long for autumn, but what good is not living in the moment of here-and-now?

maybe i over scheduled myself and the kids. maybe i'm just tired.

i want to go there (see above)

just paco and i, no kids. i want to fish, swim, hike, canoe, sleep, and cook. it would be so lovely. a lovely dream indeed.

instead i have been

scout camp
swimming lessons
swimming, daily
tri training
teaching church lessons
attending mutual
running to basketball
running to soccer
arranging play dates
attending play dates
water aerobics
doctor appointments
hair cuts
interior decorating
organizing closets
math/reading/writing homework
summer reading program

laundry can be inserted at every other line. that and fixing the kids something to eat every two hours. they are like infants in their food demands. no wonder they grow so much in the summer months.

i just want to say again, all you home school mommies - more power to you because i need my kids to leave and return everyday.

they've left me spent.


Noel said...

This is all because you are such a great MOMMY! You rock girl. Thanks for being a wonderful sister on top of all the many hats you wear!

ShadRack said...

The best is yet to come..... when the last child leaves for college...after menopause..... just when you can sit get to take care of your MOTHER!!!