Sunday, March 27

Over Dosing

This was a weekend, like a perfect storm or something, where everything lined up insanely. This time it all revolved around church. I am so glad it's Monday tomorrow. We started Friday afternoon with a trip to San Antonio for Carlos and I to attend the temple. All the kids were great in the car for there and back. They got to hang with Auntie Noel while we were in the temple. Not bad. Saturday morning brought a double baptism for two of Cora's friends. Cora, Cyrus, and I went along to show our support. Not bad yet. While at the baptism the missionaries call. Of course, I had signed up to feed them that night. I swear I have the worst karma with feeding those boys. It's always when we are stupid busy with something. I start to get a wee bit anxious now. I complain to Carlos when I get home (3 hours later) that this weekend would be hilarious if our home teachers visit us, he needs to give a blessing to someone, and the kids have a talk to give in Primary. His eyes light up. No kidding, while I was gone, Primary called to remind us that Cristian had a talk to give! Heavy sigh. I go about the afternoon. That night I prepare my lesson for Perry's class. I was subbing for a friend. It's on the Holy Ghost. Deep breathes, Jen. Sunday morning Carlos is gone by 6 a.m for his church meetings. I arrive 30 minutes late to sacrament with the kids. Typical. 9 a.m - 5 kids - my sleep schedule = perpectual tardiness. Carlos stays after church for more church work to complete. I get stuff settled at home (somewhat). Carlos leaves again at 7 p.m. for more church meetings. Maybe it wouldn't have been so intense for me, but this was the weekend we were getting the house prepped to put back on the market. Shopping, cleaning, planting, organizing, etc. Thank goodness Carlos' dad stopped by unexpectedly and helped out for several hours on Saturday. Paco and I are tuckered out! Monday brings the realtor, the house will be photographed and put online officially. And then my hubby and I are going out to lunch. It's our 13th anniversary!! Yippee!


Molly Bea said...

All I can say is "i hear you!" the word "REST" in that the sabbath is a day of rest must have a different meaning than what I think rest should be. Always one of the most hectic, non-family days of my week!

Anne said...

craziness. and where are you moving to...just a bigger house or somewhere new? i'll send you $10 in the mail if you actually email me with an answer.

shalynn said...

Did she answer you Anne? I'll put in another $10 bc I highly doubt it.