Saturday, May 2

These two are the sweethearts of our family. I am so glad to have this picture of the two of them. They are very similar in lots of ways. Both are peacemakers. Both are the first to bend in an argument. They are exceedingly sweet, thoughtful, generous to those they hold dear. They both, oddly enough, are stubborn and strong-willed. But it is quietly displayed because that is how their demeanor's are. They are both the most sensitive in our family wearing their hearts on their sleeves. Always thinking of others before themselves.

I have always viewed these two as the family favorites. I may be right, I may be wrong. Our family has such a variety of personalities, but the common denominator between us all seems to be Noel and Markie. Everyone loves them the most. They are the favorites. If you don't know them it's hard to make others realize the gift they are missing out on. These two are like chocolate, fluffy cloud days, floating down a lazy river, wind, and tax returns.

They are everything wonderful and admirable.

How lucky am I to call them sister & brother?


Anne said...

such a sweet post and yet another reason i would like to be adopted into your family...i could fit in, right??

Mme. Kara said...

I second the sweetness that is Markie Marshmallow and Noel. Love them both to no end!

Jen said...

Anne, done and done!

Noel said...

Jennie sue! How you make me cry woman! What a sweet post. Thank you. I do miss this about Markie. Had so much fun with you, Carlos, and your lovable kids this weekend. Thanks for a good time! I love you!

Annette said...

Here's to Mark and Noel!! I love this Carter Family!

shalynn said...

O.K. this will be posted under Shay's name but it's really Mom commenting, go figure! Love the pic of Noek and Mark together, gets me emotional; but your words, Jen, are touching and sweet as sweet can be!