Saturday, April 7

My Sweet Cora B.

So... about a week ago I decided to take the kids camping for a night on my own. Yes all 4 kids and yes just me - no mom.  I knew Jen wouldn't be able to join us since her schedule wouldn't allow it and the weather is perfect for camping for just a few weeks in Texas.  I just couldn't wait too long or the good weather would pass and I would lose my camping mojo. I booked a campsite, planned meals, and schedule a mini itinerary. We just got back this afternoon and I for the most part enjoyed myself.  Sure, there was a few hiccups - a few insect bites, a couple of tantrums, and some burnt food; but overall I thought the kids and I had a good time.  The topper though was about an hour after we had returned home and settled in.  Cora brought me a tall glass of cranberry juice with this note taped to the side.  I am so glad she is grateful for our little camping outing. Any inconvenience I might have gone through was totally worth it the moment I read this note.

And some more photos of our little camping trip.

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