Tuesday, July 5

the Brown Bag in the Brown Home

our annual camping trip began with a visit to our friends, the brown's. they introduced us to a crazy game called the brown bag.

its simple. take a paper grocery bag. cut it down by half from the top. the challenge is to pick up the bag with your mouth. only the bottom of your feet may touch the ground.

after every round you trim off the top of the bag. (we pause here for some comic relief from mace and girl friendship from cora and haley)

it's hilarious to watch the kids contort their bodies to pick up the bag with their mouth.

poor tucker got a little over zealous and ended up with an ice pack on his wallabies after the game!

thank you brown's for the introduction to this fun game! it's been a hit with every crowd we've played it with.

1 comment:

shalynn said...

that is not haley! she looks so grown up, i didn't even recognize her! how fun, wish i was there!