Thursday, May 19

mixed bag

i had some serious doubts about cristian's soccer team when the season started. he is way taller than all the other boys because it's a 3rd/4th grade team. i thought for sure he wouldn't be challenged on the team with such little fellas to work with. then our coach bailed. he suddenly had to relocate to another city for work. it left the team short and without a coach.

a couple of dad's stepped up to fill in for the season. i think most of them are techies and sports are really alien to them. no kidding, last week's game found the coach wearing a shirt in bold letters that read, "STAR WARS". this team is breaking all stereotypical barriers.

the team is doing quite well. especially the tiny little indian boy who plays goalie. he is just so scrappy and tenacious. there are other boys who have soccer in their blood. it's really a fascinating dance of various skill and talent while watching them play. i'm always impressed.

my favorite part of his team though is the diversity. wow, it's a total mixed bag of ethnicity. and to think we are in suburbia in austin texas makes me so, so happy. in fact, there is only one caucasian boy on the team. two, i guess if you count cristian - i never know where to put my kids on the race scale - they're both.

check out these names though - elijah, arsh, jacob, diego, akalish, edgar, mauricio, trunks, and cristian. we've got hispanics, indians, i guess Mediterranean, and caucasian. it seriously is such a beautiful thing for me to see. i love my kids having such experiences.

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