Tuesday, September 21


so i basically totally crush on cristian 24/7. he's ridiculously handsome, but more importantly...he is just like his father. hence, the ongoing crush. for reals, he is the sweetest, gentlest boy. even though he fights it sometimes, he still hugs and kisses me. i lurve it.
so yesterday i was squishing on him and then kissing on him. i asked him if he knew that i loved him. he replied in the affirmative. "and do you love me back?"
"mom, who wouldn't love you?"
I know. kill me right? (insert sugary sigh here)


Annette said...

I love you too!

Anne said...


IH-Texas said...

True dat! You are quite the lovable Jen. He had to have gotten a bit of that from you too! ->Amie